english tutor,中學補習,補習社-2006年碩士研究生考試考場規則,考生誠信檔案 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 > 1、考生應在考試前一天到考試地點瞭解考場及有關註意事項。 2、考生不得攜帶任何書刊、報紙、稿紙、資料、通訊工具(如手提電話、尋呼機等)或有存儲、編程、查詢功能的電子用品進入考場。隻準帶必需的文具,如藍(黑)色字跡鋼筆、圓珠筆、鉛筆、橡皮、繪圖儀器和無字典存儲和編程功能電子計算器,或根據招生單位在準考證上註明的所需攜帶的用具。 3、考生應在每科開考前10分鐘,憑準考證、有效身份證件(身份證、學生證、護照、軍人身份證件)進入考場,對號入座。入座後將準考證、身份證等放在桌面左上角,以備查對。 4、不到規定的開考時間,考生不得拆啟試題袋。 5、考生除在試卷上填寫(塗)規定的項目外,不得作其他任何標記,否則答卷作廢。 6、考生答題必須用書寫藍(黑)色字跡鋼筆、圓珠筆或簽字筆書寫,塗寫答題卡須使用2B鉛筆。字跡要工整、清楚,填塗要規范,不得使用塗改液。答案書寫在草稿紙上的一律無效。 7、考生對試題內容有疑問時,不得向監考人員詢問。但遇試題分發錯誤和字跡模糊問題,可舉手詢問。 8、考生遲到15分鐘不得入場。開考60分鐘後,才準交卷出場。 9、考生在考場內必須保持安靜,不準吸煙。交卷後,不得在考場附近逗留、談論。 10、考生不準交頭接耳,不準偷看、夾帶、抄襲或者有意讓他人抄襲答題內容,不準接傳答案或者交換答卷等。 11、考試終瞭時間一到,考生應立即停止答卷,並將試題、答題卡、答題紙(或答卷)裝入原信封內並密封。經監考人員逐個核查無誤後,方可逐一離開考場,試題、答題卡、答題紙(或答卷)和草稿紙不準帶離考場。 12.試題袋需考生本人拆啟和密封,請考生提前準備好小刀和膠水。
根據教育部要求,從2006年開始,國傢將在碩士研究生考試中建立考生誠信檔案。凡在考試中有違紀舞弊行為的考生情況,將在匯總後提供給各招生單位,作為招生單位將來決定是否錄取考生的重要參考依據。 根據教育部修改後的考場規則,2006年碩士研究生考試每科開考15分鐘後禁止考生入場。凡考生遲到15分鐘以上的,將不能參加考試。 2006年我省碩士研究生考試期間,省教育考試院及各考點均設立瞭考風考紀舉報電話,接受廣大考生和社會各界對研究生考試工作的監督。 省教育考試院:025-86634175 南京大學:025-83593251 東南大學:025-81615211 南京航空航天大學:025-84892487 南京理工大學:025-84315296 南京工業大學:025-83587067 河海大學:025-83787337 南京信息工程大學:025-58731201 南京師范大學:025-83598826 解放軍理工大學:025-80820188 南京市招辦:025-52233059 江蘇大學:0511-8780012 揚州大學:0514-7979213 蘇州市招辦:0512-67899577 無錫市招辦:0510-82768785 江蘇工業學院:0519-3290025 中國礦業大學;0516-83885990 徐州師范大學;0516-83500207 淮安市招辦:0517-3665843 鹽城市招辦:0515-8311224 連雲港市招辦:0518-5822126 南通市招辦:0513-83549308 |
english tutor,中學補習,補習社-八月英文美麗 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 August by Charles Dickens 八月的美麗 查爾斯.狄更斯There is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance than in the month of August. Spring has many beauties, and May is a fresh and blooming month, but the charms of this time of year are enhanced by their contrast with the winter season. August has no such advantage. It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies, green fields, and sweet-smelling flowers—when the recollectionof snow, and ice, and bleak winds, has faded from our minds as completely as they have disappeared from the earth — and yet what a pleasant time it is! Orchards and cornfields ring with the humof labours; trees bend beneath the thick clusters of rich fruit which bow their branches to the ground; and the corn, piled in graceful sheaves, or waving in every light breath that sweeps above it, as if it wooed the sickle, tinges the landscape with a golden hue. A mellow softness appears to hang over the whole earth; the influence of the season seems to extend itself to the very wagon, whose slow motion across the well-reaped field, is perceptibleonly to the eye, but strikes with no harshsound upon the ear.一年之中,沒有任何一個月份的自然風光比得過八月的風采。春天美不勝收,而五月也是一個明媚清新、繁花似錦的月份,但這些時節的魅力是由於與冬天的 對比而增強的。八月沒有這樣的優勢。它來的時候,我們隻記得明朗的天空、碧綠的田野,還有芳香四溢的花朵——記憶中的冰雪、刺骨的寒風都已完全從我們的腦 海中消逝,就仿佛它們在地球上瞭無蹤跡——然而八月是多麼令人愜意的季節啊!果園和麥田到處都充溢著忙碌勞作的聲響;串串果實壓得果樹都彎下瞭腰,枝條低 垂到地面;還有谷穗,有的一捆捆優雅地堆擠在一起,有的迎風招展,仿佛在向鐮刀求愛,它們給周圍的景致染上瞭一層金黃的色調;整個大地似乎籠罩在醇香柔和 的氣氛中;這秋季的氣氛似乎也影響瞭那些馬車,隻有眼睛可以察覺到它們穿過收割過的田野緩慢移動,但耳旁卻寂靜無聲 |
english tutor,中學補習,補習社-研究稱智商低者更易不快樂 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 英國倫敦大學學院一項針對6800餘人的研究顯示,智商低的人比智商高的人更容易不快樂。研究指出,低智商多與低收入和不良心理健康狀況相關聯,而這二者是導致不快樂的主要因素。研究人員呼籲對低智商人群提供更多的幫助和支持。在研究進行的調查問題中,有一題為“綜合全局來看,你會用哪個狀態來形容你最近的日子:很快樂、一般快樂,還是不快樂?”回答“很快樂”的人群中43%的人智商都在120到129之間,而回答“不快樂”的人群中12%的人智商在70到79之間。該研究報告作者指出,對社會弱勢傢庭背景的孩子進行長期深度指導不僅對其智商發展有利,而且有助於提高其健康和生活狀況。 People with lower intelligence are more likely to be unhappy than their brighter colleagues, according to UK researchers. Get Flash Player People with lower intelligence are more likely to be unhappy than their brighter colleagues, according to UK researchers. Their study of 6,870 people showed low intelligence was often linked with lower income and poor mental health, which contributed to unhappiness. The researchers are calling for more help and support to be targeted at people with lower IQs. Their findings were published in the journal Psychological Medicine. The researchers, at University College London, analyzed data from the Adult Psychiatric Morbity Survey in England. One of the questions was: "Taking all things together, how would you say you were these days - very happy, fairly happy or not too happy?" People's verbal IQ was also assessed. The highest proportion saying they were "very happy" was found in people with an IQ between 120 and 129 - 43% said they were very happy. However, the highest proportion saying "not too happy" - 12% - was found in people with an IQ between 70 and 79. Dr Angela Hassiotis said: "People in the lower end of the normal spectrum are more likely to consider themselves not happy." The study said lower intelligence was linked to lower income, worse health and needing help with daily life, such as shopping or housework - all of which contributed to unhappiness. Dr Hassiotis said: "There is some evidence that long term intensive strategies directed at young children from socially deprived backgrounds can have a positive impact not only on IQ, but also on wellbeing and life opportunities. "Such interventions are likely to be costly, but the initial costs may be offset by future benefits such as a reduced reliance on state benefits and better mental and physical health." Dr Jonathan Campion, a consultant psychiatrist and director of public mental health at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, said: "The study suggests that higher IQ appears to be associated with improved wellbeing, but that this relationship between IQ and wellbeing is partly due to higher IQ being linked with better income, health and less mental illness." He added that the study was particularly helpful as it identified some of the factors that mediate the association between IQ and happiness, as well as highlighting interventions to prevent lower IQ leading to greater unhappiness. |
english tutor,中學補習,補習社-外國人聽不懂的中式英語 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 Chinese+English=Chinglish(中文+英語=中式英語),中式英語有真偽之分,“偽”是指畸變的山寨英語,是生硬翻譯後出現的笑話;“真”是指真正有文化內涵,有助於中西方文化的融合的語言。對山寨英語,應殺無赦;對充滿文化內涵的正宗中式英語,應該像對待遺產一樣加以保護。 “中式英語”即Chinglish,指的是帶有中文語音、語法、詞匯特色的英語,是一種洋涇浜語言,是漢語及英語的英文混合而成的合體字。 學習者在寫作中往往先用漢語打腹稿,或列出中文提綱,再把漢語一句句機械地轉換成英語,帶有明顯的漢語痕跡,因而不能被以英語為母語者所接受。 以上是百度百科對“中式英語”的解釋。 Chinglish,到底是需要保衛還是清算?當我們有瞭無需為Chinglish感到尷尬的文化自信,或許還該擁有讓Chinglish真正有生命力的文化創意。 當官方視中式英語為洪水猛獸時,民間和國外對Chinglish的看法倒是頗為寬容,Chinglish甚至還參與瞭評選、有瞭粉絲和狂熱的追隨者。 Chinglish就這樣以一種特別的方式流行著,讓它看起來就像是一場有創意的“錯誤”。 今年5月份,國內某網站的《十大爆笑中式英語投票》,7000多人的投票結果,篩選出以下人們認為最好玩、最有特色的中式英語。在國人眼裡,這些看起來的小錯誤小尷尬,不僅擁有讓人捧腹大笑的喜感,同樣還擁有語言文化上的精彩。甚至有網友在票選後留言:“英語來到瞭中國,融入中國的東西有什麼不可以,如果人人開口都要求地道純正,這得少瞭多少精彩啊。” NO.1 Good good study, day day up。好好學習,天天向上 NO.2 How are you ? How old are you?怎麼是你,怎麼老是你? NO.3 You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. Brothers!Together up! 你有種,我要給你點顏色瞧瞧,兄弟們,一起上! NO.4 You ask me,me ask who?你問我,我問誰? NO.5 We two who and who?咱倆誰跟誰? NO.6 No three no four。不三不四 NO.7 Horse horse tiger tiger馬馬虎虎 NO.8 One car come, one car go, two car pengpeng, one car died!關於一場車禍的描述 NO.9 people mountain people sea人山人海 NO.10 If you want money, I have no; if you want life, I have one!要錢沒有,要命一條 |
english tutor,中學補習,補習社-哈佛實習生在中糧 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 COFCO, a large State Chinese enterprise opens its door to five interns from America’s Harvard University. 大型央企中糧集團向來自美國哈佛大學的5名實習生敞開瞭大門。 To get to the COFCO Plaza at Chaoyangmen from Peking University by subway you have to change lines twice. And the trains are always so crowded, it’s a struggle to get on, let a lone a seat. All this summer, Mathew has had the problem every day. 從北京大學到朝陽門的中糧福臨門大廈,需要換兩次地鐵。每個早高峰,人會多得擠不上車。 這個夏天的這一段路,成瞭Matthew最撓頭的事。 As he complained to his mentor Liu Ping, the manager of the imported wines department at COFCO Wines and Spirits Co., Ltd, "There are so many people in China.” And although Mathew put in the hours learning about China before his arrival, he still feels like a fish out of water. “中國人太多瞭。”Matthew對他的導師—中糧酒業有限公司進口酒市場推廣部經理劉萍小小地抱怨。來中國實習之前他做瞭很多準備,但有些事情一時還是感到難以適應。 Back in May, Matthew, a junior student who majors in history and microeconomics at Harvard University, attended a campus recruitment fair sponsored by the Harvard China Fund. Since 2006, the fund has made financial help available to Harvard teachers in China . It also finances Harvard students who want to find out more about Chinese enterprises. 5月的美國馬薩諸塞州哈佛大學校園裡,歷史與微觀經濟學專業的三年級本科生Matthew,被一則落款為哈佛大學中國基金的實習招聘吸引瞭。該學術風投基金從2006年起,一直在資助哈佛大學教師在中國的活動,並為哈佛學生提供接觸中國企業的機會。 Chi Jintao, COFCO’s Director of Human Resources, thought that the Harvard China Fund would be “a good opportunity for COFCO to introduce itself to overseas talent.” 中糧集團人力資源部總監遲京濤覺得,這是一個向海外人才“宣傳中糧的好機會”。 Of the 45 students who have permission to work in China, Matthew and four other Harvard freshmen are the first to take internships with COFCO. All are curious about China, with its rapid economic growth, and filled with the desire to find out more about the country. 在通過申請的45名學生中,Matthew和另外4個一年級校友成為瞭進入中糧的首批哈佛實習生。他們對這個經濟快速發展中的國傢充滿瞭好奇,想要親自到中國來看看,搞清楚究竟什麼是“中國人”,並借機學習語言。 They all took Chinese electives at Harvard, but were still anxious about how they would be able to communicate once they arrived in China. 5個人在來中糧之前都在哈佛選修過中文,但面對一群中國同事,他們還是怕無法溝通。 “Since my Chinese is limited I feared it would effect my performance at work. I was worried that my language skills simply weren’t good enough for me to be able to do a good job for COFCO” remarked Jan, who is shy, but looks people directly in the eye when he speaks to them. Jan studies management and environmental science at Harvard. “我中文詞匯量不足,怕不能勝任在中國公司工作,還擔心自己能力有限,不能很好地完成工作,因為我之前並沒有在像中糧這樣的大企業實習過。”在哈佛學習管理與環境科學的Jan是一個高大靦腆的小夥子,說話時他總是很認真地盯著對方的眼睛。 Niamh, another COFCO intern, was a little braver at first. A student of East Asian history who had traveled in the region, she thought she had already received her“culture shock”. But she does say she welcomes the opportunity COFCO has presented her and finds “the ‘newness’ of the experience” invigorating. 倒是另一個實習生Niamh顯得更為“勇敢”。她學習過東亞歷史,還到東亞旅行過,所以對中國文化“完全不同的感覺”做好瞭心理準備,“發現新事物會讓我覺得很激動,倒不會覺得是個挑戰”。 However, during her first week at work, Niamh met with communications problems. She though then, “Maybe I have to admit I have a problem making the progress I need; after all, we’re talking about the meeting of two different cultures.” 然而,在實習的第一周裡她還是苦惱於該怎樣和同事、上司交流。她花瞭一到兩周的時間來適應中國文化、適應公司環境,還是不能很快進入工作狀態。“如果能重來一次,我可能還是不知道該怎樣才能加速這個過程,畢竟大傢處在不同的文化下。”Niamh說。 However, Jan, who works for COFCO’s strategy department, found that his concerns were unfounded. So many people at COFCO speak English, and his supervisor is a Harvard graduate. He’s found he can breathe again. Jan則發現自己原來的一些擔憂有些多餘。他們幾個人的中糧導師基本上都會講英文,甚至他的導師還是從哈佛畢業的。在他所在的集團戰略部裡,同事們的英語都不錯。這讓他松瞭好大一口氣。 Young woman Amy is surprised by how approachable the top executives of this large Chinese enterprise are, as well as the general informality of the company. At COFCO’s Zhongliang Academy senior members joined in with the Hokey Kokey, a popular dance with American kids. 另一位叫Amy的女孩則對這傢中國大型央企的核心管理層表現出的平易近人感到意外。在中糧忠良書院的培訓課上,她們帶領中糧高管成員大跳hocky pocky,這是一種在美國小孩中非常流行的舞蹈。 COFCO has placed the five interns with different departments. The company says it wants to create an open, welcoming environment, to allow its young American guests to learn all they can. COFCO offers more than just the usual intern experience; Jan, Amy, Niamh get hands-on experience in sales, customer visits, and even attend important meetings. 中糧把這5名實習生安排在集團內幾個不同的部門。為瞭讓他們更深入地瞭解公司,中糧盡力營造瞭一個Open的實習環境,並沒有僅僅把他們當作實習生,而是直接讓他們參與所在部門的具體事務,參與銷售,拜訪客戶,甚至還讓他們旁聽一些重要會議。 Calling a spade a spade, Chi Jintao, admits that all this is about promoting COFCO. “Before plans for acquisition, merger, setting up the company overseas, has to come promotion.” Not that COFCO doesn’t want new blood with the business acumen needed in its competitive field: “With the whole industry developing, there’s a real demand for fresh talent.” 遲京濤直言不諱地說這是為瞭“宣傳”。“這是一次前瞻性的嘗試。在還沒有踏出國門收購、兼並、成立公司的時候,必須先宣傳中糧。尤其集團現在正在打造全產業鏈,對人才有更高的需求。” But he doesn’t expect that the interns will stay with COFKO. He wants them to return to Harvard, taking back with them a new understanding of Chinese State enterprises. He says the company plans to receive a number of Harvard interns each year. 他並沒有希望這幾位實習生將來會留在中糧發展,而是想讓他們回到哈佛能把對中國國企的理解和印象帶回去。遲京濤透露,中糧計劃每年都接收一些哈佛學生到集團來實習。 |
絕世衰男 omega male
english tutor,中學補習,補習社-絕世衰男 omega male |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 註意!我們今天說的不是“帥”男,而是“衰”男。原來在很多英文典故中都會看到alpha開頭的一些短語,多半都表示在某個領域遙遙領先的人物。因為alpha在希臘字母表中排在第一位。我們今天說的omega male也跟希臘字母表有關系,隻不過它的位置不那麼靠前。 Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. An omega male then is the "last" man. In essence, if you were to rank all the men in the world by their virtues (bravery, intelligence, leadership, generosity, etc.), an omega male altogether would be the worst, hence "last," of all men. Omega是希臘字母表中的最後一個字母。因此,omega male自然指的就是男人中排在“最後一名”的人。也就是說,如果要給全世界的男人按照勇敢、智力、領導能力、慷慨程度等優點排名的話,omega male肯定是排名最後的。因此,這裡譯作“絕世衰男”。 This often-unemployed, romantically challenged loser can show up as a perpetual adolescent, or a charmless misanthrope, or a happy couch potato. He can be sweet, bitter, nostalgic, or cynical, but he cannot figure out how to be a man. 這些衰男時常處於失業狀態,感情發展也不順利。他們有時像永遠長不大的孩子,有時又是個惹人厭的憤世分子,有時又躺在沙發上盯著電視傻樂。他可以是甜蜜的、苦澀的、憂愁的,或者憤世的,但他似乎總是不知道該怎樣做個真正的男人。 |
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廣西副鎮長被勸酒身亡 參與喝酒幹部一律免職|副鎮長|喝酒身亡 |
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